Thursday, January 24, 2013

Confessions #1

I'm a stalker.

There. I said it. Won't delete it now.

It actually happened by accident- I never meant to stalk him. But the way we met- it felt like it was almost destined we would. All I knew about him was his name, and that he was a student in my school, in the same grade, but a different section, and that he was interested in manga. That's it- I'd never met him, and I didn't even know what he looked like. And even though I had stopped reading manga at the time I found out that he existed, but I was surprised, and slightly interested, because hardly anyone in my school even knows about manga. (And when I say hardly anyone, I mean the ratio is 1:100)

So I thought about trying to find out more about him for a couple of days, but then I forgot all about him. Then, suddenly after a few months, I randomly started reading manga (I picked up Death Note) again. On the third day after I started reading, I remembered that guy and wondered who he was and if he could advise  me on what I should read next. And on that very day (last Sunday) I had to go to school for an Aptitude Test. There were about 25 other kids in the classroom, half of whom I knew nothing about, and the only person whose name the teacher called out was that guy's. And he was sitting right behind me. I whipped around to take a good look at him, and funnily enough, I'd never set eyes on him before. Or rather, I probably had, but never given it a second thought; even though I, of all people, should know never to judge a book by its cover.

He seemed ordinary enough, but I asked him if he could show me his sketches (which I knew about). I refused to reveal how I found out about him (because it's too embarrassing to talk about, even online). He gave me a list of good manga/anime, the name of his YouTube channel, and said he'd add me on Facebook so I could take a look at his artwork. And get this- the first name of good manga he gave me was Death Note. Which is exactly what I was reading at the time.

That's all I needed to start stalking. And now I know way too much about him.
I hope he never finds out I've been stalking him.

End of random confession.

PS: Do you think it's just mere co-incidence that the day I thought about him (after months of him never crossing my mind), he turned up? And is it also just a co-incidence that I was reading his favorite manga at that time? Or is it something else?

PPS: Even if it is something else, I'm pretty sure it isn't fate. Or love, for that matter. 

PPPS: It could be the Secret! (I'm talking about the book by Rhonda Byrne, which talks about the Secret, which is essentially the law of attraction, which is supposed to attract whatever you think about towards you, which I think is true.)

Yes, I asked to meet him. Yes, I believed I would. Yes, I received what I wanted.


. said...

I will never forget this post, man. You so cool. Me loves you. :')

Awkward. Amateur. Ananya. said...

Awwie :* Me loves you too.